Since this segment of the highway would not involve any environmentally sensitive areas, the agency would then conclude that that segment was environmentally sound. 由于该路段不涉及任何环境敏感地区,机构就会得出结论,认定该路段在环境方面是可行的。
Traditional parametric active contour model is sensitive to the initial position. An improved external force for the active con-tour, called directional balloon force is proposed to address problem associated with initialization and is used to segment MRI images. 针对传统参数活动轮廓模型存在对轮廓线初始位置敏感的缺点,提出了方向气球力活动轮廓模型并应用于MRI图像分割。
In order to overcome the problems of traditional snake associated with poor convergence to boundary concavities and sensitive initialization, gradient vector flow based on deformable models is presented to segment tumor region. 为了克服传统的蛇形算法不能收敛于边缘凹陷处以及对蛇的初始化过于敏感的缺点,本文提出用基于可变形模型的梯度矢量流方法提取乳腺X光片中的肿瘤区域。
Conclusion: Temporary coronary artery spasm was not necessarily accompanied by ST segment elevation. Changes of ST segment were correlated to severity of coronary artery stenosis induced by spasm. And tall peaked T wave was more sensitive than ST segment in the detection of coronary artery spasm. 结论:短暂性冠状动脉痉挛不一定伴有ST段抬高,ST段变化与冠状动脉痉挛程度有关,而T波高尖町能比缺血性ST段改变更敏感。
The encryption of database is performed in the way that plus the encryption system over the DBMS, sensitive data is encrypted in the unit of segment. The way of database encryption is feasible and can be used for reference. 采用的是在DBMS外层增加数据库加密系统、对敏感数据实行字段级加密的数据库加密方式,这种方式是目前较为可行和值得借鉴的数据库加密方式。
Puts forward the way of database encryption, the encrypting contents is sensitive data, the encrypting granularity is segment. 采用数据库加密的方式为在DBMS外层增加数据库加密系统,加密的内容是敏感数据,加密粒度是字段。
The method not only can find the most sensitive pipe segment, but also can zone the water distribution system based on the sensitivity order of flowrate. 方法不仅可以找出管网中流量最敏感的管段,而且还可以根据流量敏感度排序进行管网分区。